Kunststoffe: Best market prices for used injection moulding machines

New publication in KUNSTSTOFFE 12/2020 PAGE 15
Best market prices for used injection moulding machines
Selling globally with Gindumac
The market needs new flexible solutions for the sale of used machines. From initial evaluation and documentation to marketing and logistics operations, Gindumac delivers the all-round carefree package for injection moulding operators.
Increasingly, manufacturing companies are finding it difficult to realistically determine what price they can still achieve for their used machine on the market. Here, Gindumac offers a market-based valuation concept to support managing directors, production managers and buyers in the selling process. Whether 50 or 5000 t, whether Arburg, Engel, KraussMaffei or Battenfeld: Gindumac knows current market values.
Whether 50 or 5000 t clamping force, whether Arburg or KraussMaffei:
GINDUMAC knows current market values for injection moulding machines.
To determine the market value of injection moulding machines on a daily basis, Gindumac looks at four value dimensions: Machine condition, market situation, depreciation value and logistics requirement. The market situation is determined by a data intelligence solution developed in-house.
“With our Market Intelligence System, short MIS, we map supply, demand and price developments for machine models. A decisive factor in knowing what our customers’ machines are really still worth,” describes Janek Andre, CEO.
© Gindumac: Founders and Directors of the GINDUMAC Group: Janek Andre, CEO (left) and Benedikt Ruf, Managing Director (right)
developed the all-round carefree package for the sale of used machinery
Best price, secure payment, fast pick-up
The GINDUMAC GmbH uses its online platform for the global trade in of used machinery to ensure maximum visibility. Each machine is listed on www.gindumac.com and on all listing portals relevant to the market. When machines are sold, payment and pickup runs securely and quickly directly through Gindumac.
“When selling, we focus on relieving the customer of the marketing effort and achieving the best price. Here, we offer the full service, from evaluation to marketing, from lead management to purchasing, and from payment to logistics processing: everything manufacturer- and machine-independent,” says Benedikt Ruf, Managing Director.
© Gindumac: 370 t net weight, 5400 t clamping force: Gindumac sold this year
the largest used injection molding machine in Germany to India this year.
The GINDUMAC Group, with subsidiaries in Germany, Spain, and India, as well as locations throughout Europe, is a pioneer of the platform business in the used machine trade and one of the market leaders in Europe, with more than 40 employees.
How it works
You want to sell machines in the short, medium or long term?
Simply send the manufacturer, model and year of manufacture to GINDUMAC at www.gindumac.com and receive the market value and marketing options.
Without obligation and free of charge.
The GINDUMAC Newsroom
Designed by used machinery experts
Trippstadter Strasse 110
67663 Kaiserslautern
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